Our Expert Team
Place and Year of Birth: Ankara, (31 years old)
Education: Hacettepe University Faculty of Law
Areas of Expertise: Criminal Law, Information Technology Law, Fraud and Financial Crimes
Attorney Can Gürsel is a successful lawyer who draws attention with his commitment to the rule of law and meticulous work. Born in Ankara, Gürsel graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Law and specialized in criminal law, cybercrimes and financial fraud, providing strong legal protection to his clients. He successfully completed his master's and doctorate programs at the University of Greenwich in London, England for about 6 years. He then completed his master's and doctorate programs at the University of Bern for 7 years.
Atty. Can GURSEL
Atty. Tanju YILMAZ
Name Surname: Tanju Yilmaz
Place and Year of Birth: Eskişehir, (33 years old)
Education: Boğaziçi University Faculty of Law
Areas of Expertise: Criminal Law, Commercial Law, International Law
Attorney Tanju Yılmaz is a successful lawyer who stands out with his legal knowledge and strategic approach. Born in Eskişehir, Yılmaz graduated from Boğaziçi University Faculty of Law and offers strong and comprehensive legal services to his clients by specializing in criminal law, commercial law and international law. He successfully completed his master's and doctorate programs at the University of Greenwich in London, England for about 6 years.

Avukat Emre DÖNMEZ
Avukat Emre Dönmez, siber suçlar ve dolandırıcılık alanında uzmanlaşmış, ulusal ve uluslararası birçok davada başarılı sonuçlar elde etmiş deneyimli bir hukukçudur. Hukuki süreçlerde müvekkillerine en iyi çözümleri sunmayı amaçlayan Dönmez, dijital güvenlik, bilişim hukuku ve finansal dolandırıcılık konularında derin bilgiye sahiptir.
Eğitim ve Akademik Geçmiş
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi – Lisans
Kingston Üniversitesi, Londra, İngiltere – Yüksek Lisans (Bilişim Hukuku ve Siber Suçlar)